Digital Signal Processing : Continuing-Education : Deanship of Community Service & Continuing Education :: PMU

Digital Signal Processing

Course/Workshop Title: Digital Signal Processing
Course/Workshop Duration: 32 Hours
Course Overview: Digital Signal Processing is concerned with developing and understanding of the concepts underlying digital signal processing. The concept, structure, organization and characteristics of signals are discussed with an examination of the spectrum of periodic signals and the frequency domain and the distinction between signal and noise, the causes of noise and the effects of noise and other factors on signal quality. Techniques for processing signals are examined including filtering and non-filtering processes. Architecture and algorithms for signal processing are presented; graphical and spectral analysis, fast Fourier transforms and the underlying concepts of digital signal processors. Example applications for digital signal processing are presented including communication signal processing, speech signal processing and sound signal processing. Use of simulation software (e.g. MATLAB and LABVIEW) and hardware.
Expected Learning Outcomes / Competencies By the end of this course, you should be able to:
  1. Develop an understanding of the nature of signals and the limitations that media characteristics place on the utility of those signals.
  2. Develop expertise in the design and implementation of applications for the solution of digital signal processing problems.
  3. Become familiar with a variety of common DSP developmental tools
  4. Ability to discuss the strengths and limitations of DSP applications in solving signaling problems.
  5. Design and understand simple finite impulse response filters
  6. Implementation of DFTs using Fast Fourier Transforms