Course Overview/Objectives: |
To introduce the important Visual Basic programming concepts to design & implement of solutions to specific problems. In addition, the course provides experience in the management of application development environments. The course examines the organization of computer programs & the control structured used to manage the flow of instructions. Primitive data types are introduced along with techniques for manipulating those data types & their use in building aggregate data structures such as strings & arrays. students will be able to define & implement form objects including data arrays, control arrays, text boxes, message boxes, dialog boxes, labels, controls, menus, frames, picture boxes, pull-down menus & combo boxes. Techniques for improving readability & maintainability are taught including appropriate documentation techniques & program modularity, initially through functions & later though object oriented techniques.. |
Expected Learning Outcomes/Competencies: |
At the end of this course participants will be able to:
- Construct a Visual Basic program using Microsoft Visual Studio
- Create basic Visual Basic applications
- Use basic programming fundamentals such as variables, constants, selection statements, loops, procedures and functions
- Develop an algorithm to solve a given problem and translate it into a working Visual Basic program