Discover Yourself : Continuing-Education : Cummunity Service & Business Development :: PMU

Discover Yourself

Course/Workshop Title: Discover Yourself
Course/Workshop Description This workshop is intended to go over and discuss certain working qualities / habits that might/might not interest an employer.
Course/Workshop Duration: 1 hour
Course/Workshop Objectives:
  1. Enlighten and help participants’ exhibit key working qualities/habit during a job interview.
  2. Enlighten and help participants avoid qualities/habit that might have negative influence on the interviewer.
Course/Workshop Learning Outcomes/Competencies:
  1. Exposed to common work quality/habit accepted by an employer.
  2. Aware of qualities habit that can have negative impact on his/her employment.
Who should attend the course?
  1. This workshop is designed and developed to help novice job seekers, recent graduated students, and anyone who is interested to be prepared for a job interview. 
Required equipment & supplies  
Fees SR 125